Young-Key Kim-Renaud participated in a panel discussion on the US-North Korea relations under the title of “Korean Peninsula Diplomacy” in World Insight Live with Tian Wei on CGTN on May 23, 2019. CGTN The DPRK has accused the U.S. of violating its sovereignty by seizing its cargo ship. This week in a rare news conference […]
Chang Oh Turkmani was named the 2019 Spring commencement Speaker by the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering on April 26, 2019. Cullen College Names Chang Oh Turkmani As 2019 Spring Commencement Speaker Posted on April 26, 2019 BY: Rashda Khan Chang Oh Turkmani, a globetrotting business woman, lawyer and a staunch supporter of[…..]
Jay C. Kim was featured in an interview article on 자유일보 concerning the possible reopening of North Korea’s Kaesong and Kumgangsan on April 2, 2019. 김창준 전 美연방의원, “개성공단·금강산 관광, 北비핵화 뒤 해야” 김태수 LA특파원 승인 2019.04.02 미국 연방 하원의원(캘리포니아주)을 지낸 김창준 전 의원 [연합뉴스] 3선을 지낸 김창준 전 미국 연방하원의원은 현재 논의되고 있는[…..]
Lee Talbot was featured in an article in the Guizhou China Daily on March 28, 2019 concerning his visit to a village in Guizhou to pursue his interest in Chinese textiles. Curator had passion for Chinese textiles starting at young age| Updated: 2019-03-28Print Lee Talbot visits a workshop in Matang, a Gejia village in[…..]