Young-Key Kim-Renaud was quoted by Telegraph in an article on North Korea’s language. North Korea’s purge language ‘part of the intended terror’ Language experts say level of vitriol used in North Korean media to describe purging of Jang Song-thaek has been designed to deliberately shock Kim Jong-Un, left, has had his uncle, Jang Song-Thaek, right, […]
Unson “Sami” Lauri was interviewed and featured as “a person of the world (세계의 한국인)” on October 4, 2013, in a Radio Free Asia program, after organizing a benefit concert of classical music for handicapped children, as President of the Seoul National University-Washington, DC Chapter. 대풍 서울대 워싱턴동창회 장애우 돕기 공연 세계의 한국인 2013. 10. 4.[…..]
Jay C. Kim was featured in an interview article in 한국경제매거진 (Hankyung) on September 6, 2011. 김창준 (사)김창준 미래한미재단 이사장 “이제 남은 꿈은 조국의 정치 선진화” 기사입력 2011.09.06 오후 05:14 1993년 미국에서 반가운 소식이 날아들었다. 스물한 살에 유학을 위해 미국으로 건너갔던 한인 김창준 씨가 도미 31년 만에 한국인 최초, 동양인 최초로 미국 연방 하원의원에[…..]