Chan-Mo Park was interviewed by VOA, May 25, 2016.

Chan-Mo Park was interviewed by the Voice of America on May 25, 2016, which was broadcast in two parts on May 26 and 27, 2016. 사회·인권 [인터뷰: 평양과기대 박찬모 명예총장 (1)] “학생들 학구열 대단…유엔 제재로 후원 줄어” 기자 함지하 2016.5.26 6:15 오전 미국 워싱턴을 방문한 북한 평양과학기술대 박찬모 명예총장이 25일 VOA와 인터뷰를 가졌다. 북한의 평양과학기술대 학생들은 […]

Jungsil Lee’s article on the ‘Comfort Women’ movement was carried by the Washington Times, on October 14, 2015.

Jungsil Lee’s article on the ‘Comfort Women’ movement was carried by the Washington Times, on October 14, 2015. The future of the ‘Comfort Women’ movement in Korea Photo by: Luis M. Alvarez Yong Soo Lee, of South Korea speaks to reporters on the West Lawn of Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, April 28, 2015,[…..]

Young-Key Kim-Renaud was interviewed live by tbs dFM (01.3 MHz) on October 9, 2015.

Young-Key Kim-Renaud was interviewed on the Korean Alphabet Day, October 9, 2015,  about the excellence of the Korean alphabet, Hangul, from a linguistic perspective and King Sejong’s legacy by tbs eFM (101.3 MHz), which is the first all-English radio station in Seoul, and “This Morning” is a current affairs program that airs live from 7:00-9:00[…..]

Young-Key Kim-Renaud was featured in an interview article by Chosun News Press (월간조선) on September 11, 2015.

Young-Key Kim-Renaud was featured in an interview article, focusing on Korea-China-Japan relations, by Chosun News Press (월간조선) on September 11, 2015.  김동연의 라운드하우스 미국에서 바라본 동북아: 중국의 열병식과 일본의 관함식 김영기 교수, “한중일의 친밀한 관계로 한반도 통일을 앞당길 수도 있어” 김영기(Young-Key Kim-Renaud) 교수 약력 現 미국 조지워싱턴대 명예교수 前 미국 조지워싱턴대 동아시아 어문학(語文學)과장/ 한국언어문화 및[…..]