Chan-Mo Park was interviewed by the Voice of America on May 25, 2016, which was broadcast in two parts on May 26 and 27, 2016. 사회·인권 [인터뷰: 평양과기대 박찬모 명예총장 (1)] “학생들 학구열 대단…유엔 제재로 후원 줄어” 기자 함지하 2016.5.26 6:15 오전 미국 워싱턴을 방문한 북한 평양과학기술대 박찬모 명예총장이 25일 VOA와 인터뷰를 가졌다. 북한의 평양과학기술대 학생들은 […]
Jungsil Lee’s article on the ‘Comfort Women’ movement was carried by the Washington Times, on October 14, 2015. The future of the ‘Comfort Women’ movement in Korea Photo by: Luis M. Alvarez Yong Soo Lee, of South Korea speaks to reporters on the West Lawn of Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, April 28, 2015,[…..]
Young-Key Kim-Renaud was interviewed on the Korean Alphabet Day, October 9, 2015, about the excellence of the Korean alphabet, Hangul, from a linguistic perspective and King Sejong’s legacy by tbs eFM (101.3 MHz), which is the first all-English radio station in Seoul, and “This Morning” is a current affairs program that airs live from 7:00-9:00[…..]
Young-Key Kim-Renaud was featured in an interview article, focusing on Korea-China-Japan relations, by Chosun News Press (월간조선) on September 11, 2015. 김동연의 라운드하우스 미국에서 바라본 동북아: 중국의 열병식과 일본의 관함식 김영기 교수, “한중일의 친밀한 관계로 한반도 통일을 앞당길 수도 있어” 김영기(Young-Key Kim-Renaud) 교수 약력 現 미국 조지워싱턴대 명예교수 前 미국 조지워싱턴대 동아시아 어문학(語文學)과장/ 한국언어문화 및[…..]