KUWF will hold its second regular (Summer) meeting of 2021 virtually via Zoom on Sunday, April 25, from 7 to 9 PM (EDT).
KUWF will hold its first regular (Winter) meeting of 2021 with invited speakers, Professors Don Baker, Jin Y. Park, and Maya Stiller, virtually via Webex on Saturday, January 23, from 7 to 9 PM (EDT). KUWF-call-for-20210123-meeting_DonBaker-JinYPark-MayaStiller_speakers
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our meetings will be held virtually by video-conferencing for the foreseeable future. When the situation changes, as it is sincerely hoped, in-person meetings can be envisaged. Please stay safe and be vigilant, and be productive in any way you can.