Tai Young Lee was featured in the NewsMaker magazine, a monthly magazine for CEOs, under the title, “한국의 집안자산관리 분야에 기여하겠다 (I will make a contribution to the Korean family financial management field)” on January 6, 2020. http://www.newsmaker.or.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=90309
James Person was quoted by 매일경제 (Maeil Economic Daily) in an article concerning the first release by the Korean-American Club of more than 500 pages of diplomatic documents from both the Embassy of the United States and the Embassy of the United Kingdom concerning the circumstances surrounding the assassination of President Park Chung-hee, on December[…..]
Young-chan Ro received the “자랑스런 워싱토니안 어워드 (Washingtonian Award)” from the Potomac Forum for his contribution to Korean studies on November 16, 2019, which was reported in Korea Times, USA, on November 18, 2019. 시상식 열려…글로벌어린이재단, 단체 공로상 수상자들과 심사선정위원들. 왼쪽 다섯번째가 최규용 교수, 여덞번째가 노영찬 교수, 그 옆 5명은 글로벌재단 이사진과 회장들. 맨 오른쪽은[…..]
Minjeong Kim, Kiho Jang, and Young-chan Ro were mentioned by 한국일보 (The Korea Times, DC), in an article concerning the Korea Foundation’s recent endowment grant for a Korean studies professorship at George Mason University, 2019.9.30. Washington DC – 한인사회 ‘한국학’ 발전방향 모색 2019-09-30 (월) 정영희 기자 ▶ 한국국제교류재단, 조지 메이슨 대학 방문 지난 26일 조지 메이슨 대학에서[…..]