Young-Key Kim-Renaud was quoted by The Japan Times in an article titled, “North Korea’s virus and economic woes may open door to Suga-Kim meeting” on September 15, 2020. NATIONAL / POLITICS | FOCUS North Korea’s virus and economic woes may open door to Suga-Kim meeting North Korea’s economic plight may give Japan’s next prime minister a chance to meet […]
The Third Regular (Summer) Meeting of 2020 Sunday, July 19, 2020, 7:00-9:00 p.m. (EDT) Teleconference via Webex “Inequality in South Korea” South Korea’s economic development in the aftermath of the Korean War is one of the great success stories of the second half of the 20th century. It dramatically improved the lives of South Koreans,[…..]
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our meetings will be held virtually by video-conferencing for the foreseeable future. When the situation changes, as it is sincerely hoped, in-person meetings can be envisaged. Please stay safe and be vigilant, and be productive in any way you can.
Jisoo Kim was interviewed for one of the US-ASIA Institute’s Episodes of Asia Unscripted series on July 9, 2020. The title of the episode was “Adultery and Gender Politics in Modern Korea.” The recorded interview is available at Jisoo Kim: Adultery and Gender Politics in Modern Korea US-Asia Institute The guest on this episode[…..]